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Species Introduction: Leopard Gecko's - Smiles and Winks

Eublepharis Macularius - The Common Leopard Gecko

Natural History

One of the most collected geckos in the pet trade. Leopard Geckos gain notoriety as an easy beginner pet reptile. Their unique eyelids and constant smile give way to an anthropomorphic species. Highly relatable, easy tempered and adjust well to human habitat.

Overall, this hardy gecko is a good introduction species to reptile care that can introduce the keeper to more realistic keeping behaviors.


Females: 7-8 inches

Males: 8-11 inches

Roughly 8-10in in length. 

Hybridization and genetics can lead to smaller or larger geckos.


Whether the gecko is nocturnal or crepuscular has been up for debate on many sources. In the wild they are most active at dusk and throughout out the night, spending most the day in burrows. In keeping of the leopard gecko they are more noted to being crepuscular, using UVB lighting, and basking in the day. 

Leopard Gecko in burrow

The leopard gecko is partial to narrow burrows and open spaces, with an opening of 1.5-4inches being prime ceiling wall height. They love small spaces, cracks, and burrows. Loving an opening and hiding area that allows a tight space restricting appendage and body movement at times. 

Missing adhesive lamellae, unlike other geckos with sticky toe pads, the leopard gecko has tiny nails that they use to climb. Their climbing ability while not the best still lends itself to finding habitat behind bark in their more forested regions.

The fat tail of the leopard gecko has various mechanics that help the small gecko survive. The gecko keeps fat reserved in its tail, this helps it stay healthy while in brumation or during times of low food supply. The tail also acts a defensive measure and can be whipped as well as dropped. The tail will then regrow after a few weeks. 

While gregarious in nature, sometimes being found in loose colonies, there is a keeper conundrum when you house two or more Leo’s together.

Breeding and social behavior amongst different and same sexes causes heightened stress levels mostly dictated by enclosure square footage. Even the most advanced keeper will still run into problems as in the wild there is still hierarchical fights, and occasional cannibalism. 

Not to say that it cannot be done, it just comes with challenges most keepers aren’t equipped to handle. Therefore it is best advised Leopard Geckos do best under singular care for most keepers. 


Leopard Gecko looking at mealworm

Leopard Geckos are opportunistic predators with invertebrates making up a majority of their diet. In the wild leopard geckos will eat crickets, spiders, and scorpions. They will also eat small vertebrates if given the opportunity including mouse pups, smaller lizards, and hatchling leopard geckos. In captivity they will feed on crickets, mealworms, waxworks, and dub roaches. They avoid dead prey.

Natural Habitat

There is various misguided information that Leopard Geckos reside in sandy arid deserts. 

This is far from the truth. 

The habitat substrate consist of gravel, clay, dried mud, and leaf litter then one would typically think. This mixed gravel terrain gives way to cracks and crevices the Leopard Gecko calls home. 

The common leopard gecko and subspecies, are widely distributed in Pakistan and some surrounding countries. This hardy gecko resides in a mixture of sub tropic climate to coniferous forest. The number one habitat, dependent, would be rocky crevices and stony countryside or small outcrop oasis. This arid friend does not like to inhabit sandy soils, and prefers a rocky terrain. Although it does at times inhabit the fringes of desert and scrub land.

The highest concentration of Leopard Geckos can be found in the rocky terrain of the Salt Range, Punjab, Pakistan. This habitat is surrounded by ample food sources and shelter opportunities.

Although human intervention has drastically shaped Pakistan, E. macularius has managed by inhabiting inside eroded stone walls of buildings, taken residence in the thorn scrub, and any area that serves ample territorial habitation, food source, and climate.

Pakistan's climate is wide ranging heavily dependent on seasonal shifts and elevation. Whipping up a tumultuous weather pattern, causing temperature and rainfall levels to be elevation dependent, creating simultaneously arid habitat barraged with monsoon like conditions.

This creates drastic temperature changes from seasonal to daily swings.

In more elevated habitats with cooler seasonal temperatures the leopard gecko is known to go into brumation.

Leopard Gecko basking on hide

The easy going leopard gecko makes a wonderful pet that will last years with proper care. The range of habitat in the wild creates many DIY enclosure variations that will keep the gecko happy and healthy.

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